I am returning to Sevgilim for two reasons. One, what is she desiring to do after graduation and two carnal desire? For the second, i wish to be safe and take responsibility. I will see if she will use protection or abstain or play with a loaded gun. If we abstain i am unsure how long i will remain in Turkey because it maybe the act, she likes me for. She in truth knows me not well enough to love me but love should be always present. There is much to be learned about her, us and life. If, however she wants to have sex without protection then she may want a child as well as myself and what will we do about that? If then protection is used, all is a different story and we can revel in our adult acts of delight. For if i must then i will be with her and if i cannot do without, then i will marry and yet is that not what i have done in giving her a ring? Even if we do abstain, i would love to say and get to know my future wife, if it is to be or not to be.



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