I remember telling Mowad there was a whole nation waiting on me.

A whole nation that i still do not care to talk with at present. People from the states arrive, i hear them speak and i excuse myself of course. I have been a traveler and had that thought pattern and have moved on to the thought that comes from the spirit. They come in with enough weight strapped on them to almost need a mule. What is it that they think they need? They have no knowledge nor faith in that which blessed them with the eternal spirit.

So now i wait for my ship to depart. I will sit here for much time and watch the people. Then i will go get some fruit for the voyage and a falafel which maybe my last one for a while. It will be interesting to see what my return trip to Sevgilim shall offer. I am expecting nothing that i can guess as to what will happen. I sit here in Haifa across the street from city hall in a small park with a man playing an accordion, dogs playing, children playing with parents watching, and old folks sitting and watching, just as i.

What is life? GOD’s blessings upon you so that you may find strength through him in your weaknesses to make you an able servant in order to serve not self but your fellow man. First however you must save yourself, to purify yourself, if you will. Only then when your soul is saved do you see clearly enough to be of true help. For how can you see clearly enough to remove the speck out of your brother’s or sister’s eye when you have a beam in your own. First remove the beam from your own eye and then you shall see clearly to remove the speck from the eye of your brother or sister.

Why was i drawn away from the states? To come to a man in his darkest hour and to show him love, mercy, strength, forgiveness, and truth that comes only from my Father; so that he may be healed from blindness so he may see the path that goes to salvation and follow it so that he may benefit mankind instead of taking from him, like most do by serving self and self alone.

I left the states and forsook all things so that i may know the Christ and its begetter and to touch the lives i have given hope to as i have traveled. Now life truly begins, my childhood has ended and adult/spiritual responsibilities are to be taken.



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