I awoke at sunrise this morning and left Mowad standing on the sidewalk, in his sleeping attire, tired and hi. I left for Haifa and made good time on a beautiful walk on the quietness of shabbat. Mowad told me the ferry left tomorrow but i thought the next day, I was correct. So, i have obtained a room for two nights. One, i would have slept on the beach, rather i am here and have been offered bread and the sharing of peanut butter for food and a bus ride to Jerusalem. That would mean tomorrow, to offer myself over as a sacrifice. My life is not my own. I do not truly know good and evil. What do you decide when presented with the choice of the postponement of suffering to save a few more souls, possibly or to take your place to call the suffering to commence so that the Christ may return to man; and you have to choose one?
But think upon GOD, being long suffering and having eternal patience. Would we ask him still to just give us a little more time? Through Love our request is granted. But to Love back, to know that although there would be waiting for eternity, to act and know that even though we have all eternity, if this course is beginning, we shall be more abundant in our offering for the days to reach these have been shortened. Eternal patience. A GOD of Love would not use fear to benefit himself nor you. Just know if you stray too far you can never fall out of his grace, you just refuse to accept them for Good. So, do you go to Jerusalem?