How long will man be blind and they continue to destroy each other at the same time destroying the earth, at the same time destroying themselves. If you must kill, kill yourself to save the innocent. The greatness and wealth of living in christ is that it places the life of others above yours, but in doing it, it is your soul through the spirit that receives the good reward.

People get angry about people throwing trash everywhere and not using the bins. These are the same people who consume just as much, produce the same amount of waste and just because they don’t see it all over the ground all around, they think making piles and heaps for future house development is the answer.

I just came back from a walk in the market. I spoke with a friendly man who had something with his father and asked for ten scheckles. My reply was ‘i had nothing, thank you.’ Then i saw Kahlied who told me i was wasting my time with Mowad. Trying to save one soul is never a waste of time. Anything else but is.

I have a strong aversion to people who think giving time, truth, and love a waste. I have a strong aversion to people making a waste of the gift of the spirit they have been blessed with. Then i ran into St. Antonio, the owner of the Akko wall. His parents are from Germany and Italy and they are Jewish. He spoke of the killing being good. I replied ‘killing, no good.’ He said it was what the Arabs want. I said, ‘want,killing,no good.’ He said it was what his god wanted. I just gave him a strange look of ponderance and politely said good-bye. GOD is love.

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