I understand now why every people must receive their own prophet. But when it comes in the name of love, then that one speaks to all for it applies to all in the same way. These people are bound by customs and traditions as where in the states, people are looking for an excuse to throw these bonds to materialism associated with customs away, far from them and into the furnace to be consumed by “the fire that will soon burn out for lack of fuel”. I pray the children of the people who came to the new frontier in conquest shall brave this newer frontier in compassion. They shall realize that killing is not a substitute for kindness and forgiveness brings peace, not fighting.

Although i have healed Mowad from his blindness, it has made me more responsible for him. But now I have taught him that it is up to him to use and lean what he has been taught. If he will not then i must let him go and try to save someone else, that will and has the strength to pull themselves up by releasing the baggage they are totting around. We must want to live a simple life, in the purity of absolute love. Those who decide to have a family, must be responsible for their family first, while children are still living at home. For those who are married and filled with love and without absence and want, they are to watch over each other and support all others around them. For those who are single and devoted to my Father, their’ s shall be a life of voluntary service to the benefit of mankind. Families must be willing created at present to provide a loving home for the orphaned, for this is the lasts generation that shall be able to save the world as we know it.

Suffering has knocked at the door, and we have rushed down the hall to open the door to let in, what we did not, was to look to see what was outside.

Although the chain is not unlatched, it will not hold for long.



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