This is my truth to find; what the christ is to me means that through the spirit man, mankind may become the christ which, to me means love in the embodiment of man.

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Unlike the savior-christ who was man in the embodiment of love.

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For unlike us even to Adam, he was a pure lamb, never blemished by falling into temptations. “All these things i do you shall do and more.” Man may do the miracles of the savior-christ but it is when he comes together through the christ, which is love, that is when he does much more than at present, he has the sight to perceive. Man is wound now to the point where the slightest more of a twist will cause the spring to break thus making the whole intention null and void. But instead of continuing to wind ourselves, let us instead grasp a vision of the future, one without conflict in war nor nature. All are feed and have a bed and are clothed if so desired. Let go of the key that winds the sweet-sounding music box of man. Let it spend energy in the beautiful music of love, directing the energy to resolution and not revolution. No more weapons but wheat, no more boarders but all to become brothers living in one shrinking house. We feel crowed and are confounded because of our ignorance of misunderstanding. It is a wicked family feud and, in our greed, we are destroying the house which is what we are fighting over. Acceptance and teaching and patience for understanding, for soon the physical limitations will become breached and the spiritual connectedness shall be realized and then full understanding shall be granted unto all asked questions.

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