So, it maybe for me to return to Rome, the new Rome, the Christianized Rome, that is my home, my home that lies on the continent that is the new world, my home of the people i know and understand all that they have been blessed with. For it is difficult for me to relate to these foreign lives. Talk is useful but i do not feel, but their jail was a jail just like mine. For if i did not keep in line then i received punishment for unjust rules imposed upon my life by another’s unjust will. I know what it is to have too much worldly debt and i know what it is to be indebted to the spirit. For they are one and the same. I know of self and outer imposed responsibility and how everyone’s life is a temporary misery until release comes from the inevitability of death, but even those suffering in their misery are more afraid of the unknown because over the years, the misery became a companion and so it became a comfort to know at least misery is always with me and it is what is to be left behind. So, these responsibilities that keep us away from living through the spirit should be thrown away. So, what is our responsibility? “Our” means from the spiritual sense. Our responsibility is to save the soul of one and that is ourselves and when that is done, we must give until we can give no more and the time when we can give no more will be at that release from inevitability.

So, i shall finish my path on this trail that is in the distance meeting up with closer fires and cliffs on each side. My body has become stronger than it has ever been, I communicate with the utmost ease with individuals who speak foreign tongues and my emotions that cater to self are becoming under control. People are calling me a holy man who has been sent by God, children greet me, animals fear me not in running nor aggression, i have prophetic visions and they also say that there is a peace about me. I shall fulfill my path in this land.

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