My time here as a scribe is over. I wrote in the Priests journal some of the words and sayings of the CHRIST. I was going to put down all the parables he had given but i contented myself with just a few. I will re-read them once again but it is time for that which is new.

I also, last night, shared my philosophy with, Lindsay, a girl working at the hostel from Georgia, in the States. She willfully listened and said that i quoted much scripture from the Bible, being the old and new testament.

She agreed with much, could not understand much, and holds strongly unto the idea that Jesus the christ was GOD himself. The exchange was wonderful. So, there was my truth, religion, my philosophy out in the open, in plain sight upon the shelf. Not just for the world to see but for myself as well and today i finished reading the gospels and also reread revelations then after went for a walk. There is a different feeling in me now, now that my mind has changed; my truth has changed; and had gone back to read something that i once held so strongly to myself. Mankind need not fear a punishment from the eternal father with floods, drought, plagues, scorching sun, poison air and water. For mankind only need to fear himself for these things he makes come to pass, there is no need to blame a god for this. As far as earthquakes, eruptions, asteroids and all such natural occurrences, it comes from that inferior being who could not control all aspects of his creation and keep it eternal, so he tries to cover his failure from our sight using the preoccupations of the injustice that abound and attempt to deceive man into thinking there is a justice that exists outside of absolute love.

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