I awoke this morning feeling the best I have for quite some time. I do believe that the reason is twofold. One was adherence back to my spiritual diet and the second was that my Father gave me peace of mind after much tossing and turning of ideas and directions in my mind.

I arrived in Oranoupolis and all was taken care of. Now I sit on the shores of the Adriatic waiting the morrow, which brings forth the ferry to carry me to the peninsula where for the first-time other ascetics shall surround me. I will see if I can lengthen my stay beyond the three days given to at least a week for I would like to be in Asia before Christmas rolls in, for it is already appearing in Greece although not as commercial and over bearing as in the States. I shall have to use the phone again in order to see about catching a freighter from Egypt to Sri Lanka and will also be trying to find an Indian Embassy for a visa.  Otherwise, I will need to make arrangements to cross more northerly through the middle east and it may be very cold at that time if that is the case, I may wait out the winter in Egypt but once again, I am thinking beyond the present.



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