At my day of leaving Thera, I asked to receive direction by way of the re-occurrence of the triple number two. It was not until I had departed only to return to Holland to see my brother Paul that it was given to me. I had asked my Father to show me this number again if I was to return to the States and Toward Lucedale. That I would not hurry but I would start heading in that direction when I see it. If I saw the sign again it would be from my Father and not fate or destinies since He is above all and if it is not from Him to keep it away for he has the power to make it to not occur.

So, you see, since I have seen the continuous occurrence again, it means that from the beginning that he was behind it all along. Yet in my hesitation to travel, I neglected in asking for the reason of this and so now I will ask and find out the specific reason if possible. Now knowing that I am to return to the States, I must turn my thought towards His will back in my native land. For even the Savior Christ did not go to Roma to bring his teaching but he went away to bring it back home. He brought his teaching back to those who would not believe because they saw him not as LOVE but as a mere man.

Yet, I have been to many places bringing my message but I would ask you here if, Am I living what I speak? You may reply that I have come far but your best answer would be to simply say, No. For I speak much and talk to many and would like for them to throw away all things of the world but as I tell them this, I travel with my money and stay in warm dry places, eat warm cooked vegetables while I am approached by those on the street without sleep and what do I do? I give them the change I have in my pocket that I feel I can spare as I am waiting for the train, eating my unneeded food, and counting my money, not in my pocket but in a bank.

As I see myself in this light, why do I have the audacity to ask my Father to revel his will to me, like I am worthy to serve him while I am serving not others but the world and sometimes myself. No one can serve two masters, for he either serves one and hates the other. (1,2,3)

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