The family went to the beach today while I stayed behind to clean and get things in order for Ryan’s departure tomorrow. Paul, Angela, and I will move to the larger room and reside here for the remaining next days.

Now to address relationships, which I had, spoke of earlier. I have spent much time with few people on this path talking to them of many things. The one subject that almost always comes up is the different relationships and how much time, energy and effort is wasted on trying to maintain or develop the differences in them so that all may not be fully and equally LOVED the same. For I am guilty of such practice myself.

Much anger is generated initially from the parent child relationship because the parent wishes for no other reason to control their child. They give reasons of the like; It is for your own good, or I know best, that they are concerned for the well-being of the child; and so forth and so on. Children obey your parents, is the commandment many parents use for their authority but what is not also taken into account is; but parents, do not bring your children to anger.

Obey your father and mother if they are doing what is right for you by bringing you up to nurture your spirit. Obey your parents if they bring you up in a worldly fashion but you do not have to nor need to hold their views. For if they are bringing you up to be of the world then anger will also be present and it is you that must be above this primate emotion that has no other course than to keep you from knowing your divinity. It may help in bearing this suffering to know that although your days may seem long under such conditions you shall be on your own far longer than you shall abide in their home. Do not, however, hate them for this because they only know what they have been taught and remain afraid of that which they do not see, cannot comprehend, and so they love it not but follow that which they were taught to follow by all the generations before them. But if in all this you love them not then yourself is also in the snares of the trap. We have no time to waste on anger, hate, nor fear so make it your utmost task to tread not these learned paths.

Yet it goes deeper still with the great preoccupation given to us by the separation of our androgyny, separating the sexes. As you know or will know, our bodies are the vessel by which the soul takes part in its desires and since the two come from the one, we desire to know the two as one, as the same creation of the world, we are drawn to take part in its routines just as the animal kingdom. Although you will hear shouts in the street of people professing that we are not the body, you shall see them bear children, surround themselves with physical luxuries and run to the medical institution for the body’s aches and pains.

We as mankind take into our mind that which surrounds us and the unjust laws of the world do not attempt to hide themselves from our sight. So, we constantly see animals courting and mating that of the opposite sex in order to bear children or in some cases just to relieve stress and anxiety.

I cannot tell you that the female body is not a beautiful creation. It comes in all forms so that we may have a choice for our likeness. I cannot tell you that it is not nice to have a companion but let that companion be your friend and let not physical and carnal desire hamper what could be a building of the spirit. For sex brings only a separation from that which is not part of the injustice and be not ruled by anyone. If they do not respect and wish for you to follow your intuition then although listen to their reason do not go against your conscience and above all, know that every female is your sister, if they have your spiritual belief. But in truth know that everyone in this world is you and narcissism is the greatest injustice. Yet if you cannot abstain from having sex then it is best that you marry.

In either way one may wish to consider the suffering this world has to give. It is of course, to lead man to the truth. For many believe that God has us suffer to bring us to him and we suffer for we are not serving him.

I ask you though, is it not a conflict to accept such a thought to come from LOVE? Even man has given to hard love and punishment for love, but the Father, that is eternal, gives to the wicked and the upright alike in all blessings and is not biased in his mercy and gifts.

It is only a god of injustice that punishes for non-service. So long ago in our attempt to understand that which is inconceivable, we grasped and came up short with an idea of tough love. This too was to serve that which was created from the deficiency and in his creations are deficiencies. But because when he looked and saw only himself, he felt shame in that he alone existed. But that which was eternal appeared before him and because he was lacking, he understood it not and his shame gave way to his vanity through fear for he knew he was not of that which was eternal and all that he put his hands to was not eternal. So, with the partial abilities of the eternal one, he created the soul of man and gave it the body of his world. As man was of the world, he was given way to the preoccupations so he may not know that he too has the likeness of eternity. But the unbegotten Father in his LOVE gives to man his eternal spirit that may be received by his choice, and those who receive that which is eternal renounce this world of corruption and decay. In their renouncing though they come to love their fellow man more, even though many do not see their end in serving the master of the world. They take part in the injustice because they are blind. But those that do see, must take it upon themselves to step out into the destructive traffic in order to help the blind cross and to place them out of danger, and the more those there are that know the immortal spirit, must be above anger and fear of the creator of this unjust world and be as the eternal Father and have a sympathetic love for this being as well, for it is for those to be like the Father which is as close as we may be to him in LOVE.

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