There have been several rising and setting suns since I have arrived in Thera. First, I arrived on the island and went to Kamari. The whole area was closed and being early in the morning, I slept on the beach with comfort thanks to my carpet purchased in Crete and a k-9 companion that was an ever-faithful watchdog over me.

The following sunrise awoke me and I went to Fiera and checked into the hostel where I began to meet all sorts of people. The group I had meet were all lone travelers; two from Chile, one from England, one from Australia, one from Canada and two more from America, seven of us in all. We spent time on the beach at day and at night we walked the streets and had very in-depth discussions on love, relationships, spirituality, man, evolution, technology, time, paths, and individually. My time was not spent in the group discussions but I seemed to talk with one person at a time about things I had said were my truths. The group discussions consisted of the merit of art, politics, and other issues that are nothing more than what should be viewed in not worldly but spiritual sense. For all the speech used to debate art is the same for government, politics, nationality, and religion. All that is done is the substitution of the subject. It keeps this worldly entanglement woven into our mind when full attention should be given to that, which is eternal.

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