I ask my Father to help me today so that I may continually be helped to see him, that I may not go far from him. He is gracious and kind.

On my way to the train station, I ran into two persons selling books by a man who from what I could assume!!!??? I will not… I passed them by then turned around and talked to one of them. He asked if I had heard of what he was serving and I found myself saying, “I was trying to keep my mind open”, I bought one of their books. The title of the book is, “The True Face of God”.  I finished the book while in Milano and left it on the bench for someone else to find, interesting to find time in a day hostel waiting on the ferry to take me to Greece, the home of my dreams. I pray for guidance and strength through my time there. I also read that its islands are the place for international singles.

I am tempted to buy a sailboat and spend Greece that way but then I remember my enlightenment at Stockholm. All in all, it matters not, I will just see what presents itself and use my power of will to decide, by keeping my way to the Father at the foremost of my being.



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