I wonder if Amsterdam is the great temptation I spoke of in my poem, or am I to learn much there? I see though what the element of drugs gives to the effect of man in this unjust world. As I sit in the window of the coffee houses and children pass by, I think of the example I am setting before them. Yet I cannot be sure if without tea I would have started the decompilement and path to that which is truth in that which is love in that which all things are given to everyone no matter who they are. That is something that I still do not do, though I must make the change. Just now one came by asking for change but I gave it not to him for I thought I had none.

First, I should have searched before I answered, as with all things in life. Before you were brought into this world, man and woman had been cast out of the Garden of Eden. Cast out because they had eaten of the forbidden fruit, the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. So, the creator of all that is visible knew he must now preoccupy man with tasks and chores, to give him burdens on the earth. For if man were allowed to ponder his thoughts, man would soon realize the truth of injustice of all visible creation around him.



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