My vision became reality today as I walked through the city of Stockholm. My vision of the hall of learning was found at a beautiful building. My agenda this morning was to see about passage to Helsinki and on the way, I was looking at boats that littered the canals and marinas. I was almost overcome by the desire to return to the states and buy a sailboat and then after some time of learning well in the art of seafaring, I would sail to the places I wanted to go. As I walked the desire grew and as I walked, I happened upon a beautiful/melle/belle/bonita garden.

The garden was on the water with boats floating beside the bank and to the rear was a large building. I made my way around the area and when I came to a doorway I entered. I entered not from the right door but from the door on the left, just as my vision but I did not comprehend this until I walked through the doorway. There before me was my vision, an open hall with an opened roof, trees growing inside and beyond there was the water with boats and rich buildings were also in view. I then realized that my desire for the sailboat was the part of my vision when I ran from the hall of learning to the wealth of the world and on reaching the water; I entered the boat that was sinking. It symbolized the drowning of the spirit with pursuits of the material world. Once that is done then we become not spiritual but of the world and its injustice.

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