Thanks you father to the spirit for the inspiration that you give it gives to me from  your its blessing hands.

For now, as I sit in meditation and contemplation, I realize how futile it is to question you and your it and its will with my so very limited knowledge.

But in my stillness, you give it gives me your its wisdom, in your its own time.

You wish It wishes for mankind to come to you it in that of love, never war.

You It will let man ascend as high as he may to you it by coming together as one, for only a god who is in fear of the possibilities and greatness of man would separate him by confounding his speech into may different languages or giving him many different religions, giving land to some and taking from others.

Only a god who is inferior to the divinity would wish to keep him oppressed and preoccupied by keeping him from knowledge of good and evil and stop him from immortality.

For we were made equal to the inferior gods in our knowledge of right and wrong but to have gained immortality we would have been above them so, in their limited control, they postponed that which they realize may someday be inevitable to some if not all.

But you father the spirit will also allow man to descend to the depth of his wickedness for in either direction he pursues, you it has not reason to fear him.

If he comes to you it in love, you it will receive him with love if he follows that of the deficiency, he will pass away and will never know of your truth even though you bless him he is blessed every second of his life in the hope that he may come to know you it and begin to love one another.

We must rid ourselves of all that the inferiors have given us as preoccupations.

Religion, science, government, national pride, possessions.

We must make the world our home in the short time we are here and not borders.

We must make all mankind our family and not just those who are the same blood or religion or nationality or race for even the wicked do that.

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