They have been asking me, who is my god.

But I also of course have been letting know.

It is not some two-year-old god that created man because it felt the need to be worshiped; for what, to make it feel better about itself?

Or that that knows all that is contained in the hearts of man but still gives him “Trials” so he may prove himself for no other benefit of himself alone.

For if our heart was known then there is no need for the trial.

Or the god who gives drought in one area and also a life killing flood in another.

We are told this is done so we may see how we were dead and came to life to die again

So, we may live in a hereafter surrounded by all the things desired here in earth but they will not be a bad effect upon us

We will be served by nothing less than our god so, now then I ask who has become the master and who the servant now?

There had to be made seven heavens because no worldly religion; Jew, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Hara Krishna, or self-enlightened spiritual master wishes to be in a place with any of the others.

They all say what?

That they are teaching us love.

But what I can tell you now, is something that is eternal and worries not about life cycles or a hereafter, for it never ceases to be.

An entity beyond the collective mans, outward bound stretching of his mind and then we will still fall short.

Something that has no need for man but he showers him with love daily.

The only comfort to life is that it will not have to suffer long if the suffering is in the act of love.

For the selfish suffer not and will find their end but for those of love they suffer in compassion for the day at hand and consider not the past nor dually deal away time spent on an unknown future

Is there any sense spending energy on things that do not exist?

Who are we to judge whether or not we would even deserve any reward for the life we are living?

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