There is a holy place in Indonesia you will never be able to see.

Its exact location will not be revealed but it is rumored to be on the western slope of Mount Kendeng in Western Jaua.

The Baudi or Kanekes live on five thousand hectares of hilly forest area just one hundred twenty kilometers from Jakarta.

With the exception of one anthropologist four decades ago, no westerner has penetrated the Baudi’s core villages, where the holiest of the population lives.

Their language is Sundanese.

Each village has its own pu’un or spiritual leader.

They are not to be conceited, wear jewelry made from gold or gemstone, kill pets or farm animals, have more than one wife, sell anything from their farm, houses are constructed from forest material, life consists of simple farming, gathering fire wood and carrying out ceremonies to keep the place pure (clean).

The land can only be farmed for four years; then it has to be left fallow for a period.

They can not drink alcohol and subsist themselves on yams, rice and some animal meat.

Marriage must take place within the community.

When someone breaks a rule he they go through a cleaning ceremony after which he they are banished permanently to one of the outer villages.

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