The birth of a child in this world of which envelopes injustice is our last greatest act of sheer selfishness.

Most parents when asked say, with their tongue, that they love their children more than all things, even life itself.

Yet by their decision to bring forth that which they love above all things into a world of murder, rape, incest, death, disease, destruction, decay, where within the next twenty years there shall be no more clean air nor clean water say/shows not an act of love but is shows a lack of compassion.

Could it be though that a child born tomorrow may be the one to change the way and current path of this world?

I say to you that it is our job to make this world a better place and not to do what the generations that came before us did by lacking foresight or just being greedy and unconcerned about the heritage left to the young.

The new generation gets the task of cleaning up after the trash and ignorance of the preceding generation.

As the years have past and generations have come and gone, we are taught by them how it is presentable and acceptable to live in a so called civilized society.

The word civilized is then synonymous with greedy and unspiritual.

As the words spoken by the Christ christ, “suffer the little children of the world.”

Suffer for them, neglect the destructive items of this world, show a simpler more harmonious way of living.

Be a good teacher, do not dull their eyes with saying one thing and going another but suffer for them.

Put the love ahead of the unborn by changing what you have been brought up to follow and do without that which leads to the injustice and when all has been accomplished and all is as best as it can be in the world, then you will have begotten out of true love and not just a vain love of self.

For the innocent do not ask to be born and if you are selfish with what you call love then it is you who are taking part in keeping the injustice and deficiency needs meet.

We are all in this world one family.

No matter race, religion, nationality and if the current family is in conflict then why should we continue to perpetuate the catastrophic ending with the life of the innocent?

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