For the individual that is of the immortal spirit and has gained knowledge of the truth, when the time arrives, they hall be brought unto their heaven.

Heaven for such and individual will depend upon their level of spirituality and also what they are able to envision a heaven to be.

But for sure heaven will be personal and just as individual as our relationship with the Father understanding of the spirit.

There are various levels of heaven depending upon the growth of spirituality and its ability for higher thought and understanding.

It is the person’s greatest and best understood way by them to serve the Father spirit.

To some it maybe praising him it night and day while sitting at his feet in its presence or being apart of a higher spiritual world of the earthly type and living the life that they saw and strived for while in this world or it may be gaining all knowledge able to be contained into his glory in order to enlighten other beings who wish to know of his majesty it’s beauty.

ManMankind has been set apart and he they shall ascend unto the highest levels that their mind in conjunction with the spirit may conceive.

If one has this knowledge and know the ranking of creation, they shall ascend to the upper heights, above even those who are immortal and incorruptible from the beginning of creation.

For it was mankind who had been given the allotment in life to become formed out of the void and to be burdened by a controller who was envious and jealous of the unbegotten Father spirit.

Unlike all others, they without truly knowing or having any tangible facts relied on their faith in that which they could not see or hear but to only know through intuition and then inspiration.

Their allotment is of the highest heaven for they will be set apart for they are an example in the power and truth of the Father spirit.

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