Fourth Initiation

Referred to as the renunciation and/or initiation of crucifixion.

It has to do with freedom from all self-interest and the renouncing of the personal life in the interest of a large whole.

Even soul-consciousness ceases to be of importance and a more universal awareness, one closer to that of the spirit, takes place.

The life of the person taking the fourth initiation is usually one of great sacrifice and sometimes suffering.

The initiate has laid all, even his their perfected personality, upon the alter of sacrifice.

All is removed, friends, money, reputation, character, standing in the world, family, and even life itself.

In passing the fourth initiation one has achieved liberation from rebirth being brought back.

It is at this initiation that the casual body or soul body is burned up and the soul merges back in the monad/or I am Presence.

The main source of guidance from this point is from the monad or I am Presence.

The initiate now works from above downward in service of the divine plan.

The initiate is totally liberated and future contact with the material world is totally voluntary.

The initiate turned his their back on the physical, material world for eternity except for voluntary service.

The lower centers reach a point of utter purification, with no energy of selfishness.

The initiate is guided by intuition, pure reason and complete knowledge illuminated by love.

The initiate has completely crucified his their lower nature.

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