Third Initiation

The third initiation has to do with developing self-mastery over the mental body and hence over the three-fold personality.

This initiation is also referred to as the soul merge.

It is at this initiation that the disciple becomes blended and merged with the higher-self and becomes a soul-infused personality.

The disciple is no longer controlled by the lower mind or desire.

The mind is responsive primarily ideas, intuitions and impulses coming from the soul.

Accumulation of knowledge is unbelievably rapid.

At this initiation the disciple has mastered the ability to manipulate thought matter and has learned the laws of creative thought building.

At the first initiation the disciple was polarized in the physical body.

At the second initiation the disciple emotional body.

In this third initiation the disciple has become polarized in the mental body.

The soul itself now assumes the dominant position, not the material world.

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