This is the very thing that needs to be solved.

Here I live in a community and there are those who violate the rules and regulations of the community both knowingly and unknowingly.

This was to be rectified by overseeing that enforcement of the rules where done without bias, board members were held accountable and sent violations.

This resolved 5% of the issues in the community, the bot software took care of another 90%.

This was the option after having spent years by trying to speak to my neighbor. 

Some stopped.

Many agreed with me to my face and then continued.

As it continued, all got angry and said they were being harassed.

Yet what is not harassment is that one unit bringing disharmony to the rest of the community.

The rules are already in place and you come in not being concerned for following any of them.

You’re the one angry for being called out on your wrong doing.

How do we move past this?

For seeing this process for what it is.

The daemon, causing fight or flight, the catalyst of evolution.

However, all daemons are being categorized the same.

As of yet, I have come across only one that appologized and never let it happen again.

Everyone else lied, denied, cursed…

If someone is considerate, they will need only be asked once or told once.

If someone is not considerate it will not matter if they are asked or told more than once.

The violation process keeps one away from much unnecessary personal abuse.

When people complain about the rules, I tell them that the only reason these rules exist is because we do not know how to be considerate to one another.

But the enforcement of these rules must be unbiased and fair to all.

New Rules.

A global constitution for all.

Under one planetary language.

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