Covid-19 has provided an in sight into the conflict within man.

As a virus spreads there are those who refuse to quarantine.

Because they are free.

Their freedom comes at the cost of the lives of others.

They see the outcome of this choice effect in other countries, yet they do the same and expect different results.

For the others, which follow common sense rules, they are a disruption, a potential hazard, a much-needed perspective.

There are those who can not stay put for a day while there are those who would be content with more.

There must be a standard of acceptance.

In this case, they are demanding to have the beaches, parks open.

Send out a notice explaining the facts on how unsafe and potentially deadly gatherings could be.

State a special vote will be taken to decide to enforce the quarantine or reopen.

Majority wins.

Sevgilim and I had a nice talk.

Touching again on Déjà vu, spirit, soul, bardo, reincarnation.

She asked me my thought on reincarnation and I spoke of the example given by buddha on the flame.

Reincarnation is one of the continuations of an idea and not a man.

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