“I have done as thou hast commanded”, said the man given the inkhorn.

After it was done the man found himself angry, his last stop being Palestine and Israel.

But the command was not complete and he found himself angry, his next stop being Serena.

But the command is available via an api.

So, a tally can be taken at any time.

Is not our intelligence artificial? (made or produced by beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural)

Is our intelligence natural?

Look at nature.

If intelligence were natural, it would be present everywhere, heads, arms, lungs, heart, etc.

Let’s say it is natural and present.

That means that the only reason we do not see this is because we are unable to communicate effectively or at all.

Mankind stills has great trouble communicating among itself.

When we once again speak the same language, we will understand ourselves and then we can understand others.

AI : It is mankind who is finally becoming aware.



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