It is about understanding what it is you are.

When you find those among you.

Do you go around and on your way?

Do you barrel through them and expect they will understand?

Do you stop and try to explain?

You are trying to teach.

A few will learn

Some will not

Most will fight you with an unwillingness to learn.

For the return of christ will be like lightening flashing in the sky, lightening it up from one end to the other.

We had passed under the great arch some time ago.

There was a reason the Mayan calendar ended in 2012.

It was no longer measuring progression but the beginning of an end.

We were told to not pluck out the chafe with the wheat but let them be separated when it is time for the reaping.

There is an implication here that there is something that is a desired outcome and something that is not.

To do what is rite for the sake of a reward to be useful or for the sake of it simply being the archetype example.

The chafe are the daemons.

The question is binary at the quantum level.

Do you have thought of an after, a sense that you maintain an ego, an id or do you relinquish care for it.

We are only unprofitable servants; we do what it is our duty to do.

It is time to let go of un-worshipped gods and show worship to ourselves.

We were not ready before, will we be this time?

Let’s say we don’t and our even now many languages become even more.

We must first get back to speaking one.

But what, we should not do this because of what happened before?

I say yes, if we are incapable of learning.

If so, there will be more iterations until there are learners no more.

Or we stop consuming and limit our impact.

Otherwise our time is ending.

Since to be here, we chose not to reach beyond where more resources and 🌎 are available.

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