I went to bed early last night and woke up early this morning. The wind was still very strong with water coming over the bow. At zero seven thirty hours I went and had some bread with honey along with tea for breakfast then went outside to have a look around. Holding onto the rail as not to be blown away, I noticed a fine mist that limits visibility to about four miles. As you go from the horizon up, you notice a yellow to red very light color. The mist is caused from the wind blowing the fine grains off the African desert and sending it as high as the troposphere where it sometimes makes its way to the United States with a good prevailing wind.
It has been two days now since I have taken part in electronic anesthesia. My mind is beginning to clear. I am sure it also has to do with the lack of sugar from candy, alcohol, and the chemicals from soft drinks. The day is arriving where I will do without because I will rather take part in spirit and not the body.