After much about my being a Nazarite, last night I went to the galley for some tea and ended up partaking of the drink from the vine. So now my vow has been broken, in actuality, it was broken long ago when I had some grape juice, out of lack of thought, at dinner.
It was given that vows should not be taken because in breaking them, you break a promise to God. Being of the weakness of the flesh, I was bound to break the vow just as the one I had made before with celibacy. I was only able to not have sex for a year by not taking a vow and so now, I have gained more wisdom with this. In my weakness of wishing to be polite to my brothers, I broke my vow when they poured me a glass of wine and I drank it. But in drinking it, I was welcomed by Udo, Alfred and Martin for the first time.
Is it better to partake in drinking to help in getting to know your brothers or to separate yourself so far from him in your actions that you are alienated from them and they are alienated from you?

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