Went for a ride to harbor today.

On the way, Bijan and his son Bijan went by, yelling obscenities and giving me the bird.

What separates mankind from other mammals is that we have the ability to code stories.

I have this one story to which has stored experiences, sequenced in a sequential order.

But even memory is not always true.

We shape our present by running a relation against what we have stored of the past.

Yet the storage of that memory is modified by how we would rather perceive it.

So, if we are already modifying our backstory why not create a new one.

The two can run in tandem.

But better yet, also there is another difference.

Rather than maintaining a relation to the past, put those process toward the future.

Create a life.

For the past, store only things relevant in relation to the future.

Yet I say Yudhishthira.

Yet I say that something separates us from other mammals.

Just as a whale is separated from an even-toed ungulate.

Being a mammal has a binding.

Mammals (from Latin mamma “breast”) are vertebrate animals constituting the class Mammalia (/məˈmeɪliə/), and characterized by the presence of mammary glands which in females (and sometimes males[1]) produce milk for feeding (nursing) their young, a neocortex (a region of the brain), fur or hair, and three middle ear bones. These characteristics distinguish them from reptiles and birds, from which they diverged in the late Triassic, 201–227 million years ago. There are around 5,450 species of mammals. The largest orders are the rodents, bats and Soricomorpha (shrews and others). The next three are the Primates (apes, monkeys, and others), the Cetartiodactyla (cetaceans and even-toed ungulates), and the Carnivora (cats, dogs, seals, and others).

How does man evolve beyond being a mammal?

Which would take longer?

Becoming an invertebrate or the loss of the mammary glands.

The invertebrate would also require redevelopment of our surrounding as our physical form would be very different.

If we stopped feeding children through this method, it is possible the mammary glands would fade out.

Now days, with what we know and the greatly changed environment, is mother’s milk more beneficial than what we can synthesize.

As great as the one who crawled from the sea, onto land.
This is our separation and like before, it will bring change.

Sevgilim starts work at her corporate job soon.

This will be an interesting change.

We have been together almost 24/7 for some time now.

Last night, sleeping, lying my head in her lap, she stroking my hair.

I awoke to look at her in a way that scared her and she in return hit me on the forehead.

It was good enough to get my attention, then as I tried to get up, she wrapped her arms around my neck and was chocking me.

I had to be insistent, that I was wanting up, and she finally let me go.

We both went together, a bit kus.

But now I am laughing and knowing better that I reacted completely incorrectly.

She has been out today visiting a friend and then will go shopping for Thanks Giving.

As for the community, I have let go of the responsibility of calling out violations for an entire year.

These past two weeks, that came to an end and ended up sending about 6 or 7.

One, going to the president of the board.

…taking some time to look into what I have stored…

(Begin data mining)



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