In the moment on the first full day in.
This time, I’m not swimming in the water watching the sun set but I’m sitting on the balcony, watching the same setting over the same city setting.
Last night was one of having a headache.
I’ve been experiencing these more lately.
I got up around eight still with it.
Tried to work, went back to the bedroom, closed the blinds and turned on the A/C.
I wake up at twelve without it.
But today I am finally feeling awake, after the travel to Ankara then to Athens.
The beach where I am going to swim is filled with families, the med is filled with trash and more litter on the beach.
Polluting the air with passing combustion cars and more children/consumers are on the way.
Since we will not stop breeding, there need be something to make us die faster.
Is there not already that something and yet we are striving to medically conquer that as well.
Everything in our being is screaming for us to get off this planet but we are too scared to jump.
Mankind’s life is out beyond the stars or mankind’s life is in its grave.
…and it is now that the sun is setting.